0469-2681426 , 8547005033    [email protected] 

Managed by IHRD , A Govt. of Kerala Undertaking
(Affiliated to MG University)



 College of Applied science, Mallappally has well-furnished Computer Labs with modern equipped Computer terminals, LCD Projectors, installed with latest version of software’s through Microsoft Campus Agreement Licensing program. 18Mbps of Leased line internet connectivity is available in all terminals and secured Wi-Fi facility enabled anywhere in campus, internet Security implemented and all activities are tracked with Firewall device. Students can use the Computer Lab’s and resources including printers, scanners, and projectors on all working days.

Lab Timing

Monday to Friday :- 8.00 am to 6.00 pm

Lab Rules

  • Strict silence should be observed in and around the Lab
  • Students, who enter the lab should write their Name, Roll no and system no in the Lab Register promptly
  • Students should keep their personal belongings outside the lab and bring only the lab assignment related books with you to the lab.
  • Students are not allowed to bring food & drinks into the Lab.
  • Mobile Phones and Laptops are not allowed in the Lab
  • Computer labs are to be used only for academic purposes, not allowed to use the lab resources or printers for personal use.
  • Students are supposed to use the systems allotted to them, only during lab hours.
  • Students must save their data on their shared folders, no programs or data are to be stored on the local hard drives, not allowed to use any removable storage devices on the lab computers
  • Make changing of System Settings, desktop personalizing, download, install or use of any outside software’s, games, chat rooms or messengers are strictly prohibited
  • Students are not permitted to rearrange or replace or misplace any of the computer peripherals such as monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse, printer, cables, etc. Else seek the help of the System Administrator under unavoidable circumstances.
  • If anything seems to be malfunctioning report it to the System Administrator. Please don’t try to rectify the fault yourselves.
  • Before leaving the Lab, users should properly Shutdown the Systems and arrange your chairs properly.

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